‘Twas the Night Before Christmas (RV Version)

‘Twas the night before Christmas And all thru the bus
Not a creature was stirring The pups made no fuss

The stockings were hung where they fit with great care
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there

The camper was nestled all snug in its spot
With power and water and furnace all hot!

Me with my wine and me with my Jack
Had just settled down for a late midnight snack

When out in the campground there arose such a sound
We peered out the window to see what was found

Only three strides, we ran out the door
Quiet hours had started 3 hours before!

The street light above and the campfire a glow
And the faint sounds of campers calling ho ho ho!

And what to our wondering eyes should appear
But a miniature golf cart decorated as a reindeer

With a little ole driver who saw us and paused
We knew in a moment it had to be Claus

As slow as molasses, by the glow of the flame
He waved and he smiled and he asked us our name

I’m Alex, I’m Tonya, That’s Harley and Doo
That’s Gary and Gertie, we have bears with us too

He claimed himself a camp host, been there a while.
He and his wife, Carol now travel in style

He said that they travel with Rudi, of course
Their cute little dog, they came from the North

He talked of his grandkids, we bet they were elves
We talked of the plans for the spring for ourselves

We offered him a drink, to stay for a while
He said his name was Nick, with a wink and a smile.

He was dressed all in red from his head to his foot
Wearing crocs and shorts, no ashes nor soot

We were suspicious but no toys were in sight
Not a bundle of gifts, not a reindeer in flight

We offered him cookies to see if he’d break
He said “thank you, no I’m watching my weight”

He spoke of his toad, his Wrangler “his sleigh”
He spoke of his rig, a Brand new Class A

It was white with red stripes, said it drove like a dream
Said he travels the whole world, not snowbirds it seems

We asked if his rig has a grand name
“North Pole” he said, We are on to his game.

We talked about things that us rvers do,
Leveling blocks, Gray tanks, and black tanks too

Our favorite routes, boondocking, and stays,
Flat tires, bad weather, unexpected delays

Favorite RV parks, good neighbors, avoidable roads,
How to find wifi and capacity loads.

Easy campfire dinners, what toilet paper is best
Meetup with family, or have them as guests

Nick jumped up and scanned the dark sky
Gotta get to work was his sudden reply

Red shirt, white beard, we think its the big man
With the convincing disguise of a Simple camping fan

So be aware when you camp, and always be kind
You never know when its Santa…errrmmm Nick you will find!